Friday, August 28, 2009

144,000, Prophecy and the triumphant living,little book. Gods people need to read this.

This is a copy of my email response to a friend ..Hope she doesn't mind me sharing this but when i thought about what i have written. I think this must be shared..
Here it is below..

The church, God's Remnant boast to have 15 million baptise members..let me verify this number.yep 15,660,347 to be exact from the GC site..
Now out of this number i am sure that many are nominal Christians .. just going through the motions.. The Sunday law and persecution will purge the church. but am sure that there are more than 144,000 faithful souls .. maybe not.... But Daniel 11 gives us some clues.. it says verse 44

"But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many".

Now when God's people based on.
  1. Those who are warning others now
  2. who are living the triumphant life now..
  3. Who experience the sprinkling of the Holy spirit now (this sprinkling time may not be long again.
  4. Those who are in the God's Word regular.
When these souls see plainly as we see the end plainly coming to being .. when evidence including the Sunday law comes into being ..These are those who the latter rain power will be poured out upon without measure .. (you cannot experience latter rain if you didn't experience sprinkling and my friends the Holy spirit is sprinkling at this time ).
These are those..who will receive the latter rain without measure.They will go forth and proclaim the 1st,2nd,3rd angel's message. Now when these people start doing that, persecution will start On God's people.. ..I believe and the Bible shows us that only 144,000 will actually see God coming in glory.LITERALLY.
The Bible suggest that the 144,000 would be distinct from the great multitude, This great multitude will include those who are martyred in History past and those who from the many in Gods church will be killed. Including beheaded Rev 20: 4-5

It will be a blood bath... Now every day i come across characteristics of the 144,000 in Gods word beside those mentioned in Rev 14:1-5 and Rev 7 ..We see them in Zeph 3:14, Malachi 3 :16-18 .. i spot them all over the place.. So I am learning about the 144,000 every day ..God is revealing to us these truths.. Now Ellen White says all of the Bible points to and end in Revelation.

My sister I Hope i was clear.. .This is much info.. I want to give you all ,but i hope you can digest this.. The church is at a pivotal moment in History and multitudes have no understanding of it . Sister white says The Great Controversy (1888), page 594, paragraph 1

Do you have a break down of one of the Daniel 11:40-45 send me your email i will send you the break down .....these are passages just before Daniel 12:1 and you know what that says..

Therefore this is the verses that is most important to the church at this time. (Read Test to the church Vol 9 starting from page 11 she says at the end of some sequence of events that our heads should be in Daniel 11:40-45)..

Revelation 10 speaks of another angle coming down..notice what this angel is clothed in .. Its Jesus Himself.. according to verse 1. verse 2 And he had in his hand a little book.
what is that little book?. It is Daniel 11:40-45. verse 4 says it is sealed but ..This book will be unsealed..according to verse 9 ..the eating of the book signifies study and understanding the interpretation of the prophecy. Remember William miller and the pioneers ate parts of Daniel this very book and they understood the 2300 days (Wrong event but correct time prophecy). They ate the book then and it was bitter in the mouth and sweet in the belly .The glorious appearing of the Lord would be sweet if he did come. at least not in the way they expected it. So it was a bitter experience for them also.

Back to Rev 10 look at verse 10 it says :
10 And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.
11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

now when Gods Remnant people understand ,when they eat the little book when they comprehend fully Daniel 11:40-45 they will be be excited to see the very things come to past.. but it will be bitter also .for in verse 44 they know that when they preach with latter rain power they will bring on persecution. Such is the nature of the Beast.. Tidings will trouble him the verse says.. So in conclusion and i could say more. I believe that many would proclaim the message but those who will be sealed will survive to see Christ return. God has placed a limiting number of those who would see death, that number is 144,000 ..Note that these will be special also because
1. They would see Christ coming in the clouds.
2.These are unique because they endure the time of trouble such as never was.
3 They will survive a period without an intercessor.
4.They will actually feel just like Jacob .. that's why its called a time of Jacobs trouble.
5. They are the only one Rightouse alive found on the earth.. Daniel 12:10 says and many will be made white,purified.. those that remain will be maed pure by the crucible of the tremendous time of trouble.

Now Others will be preaching just before the time of trouble .Note the blood of saints were like seeds in old times when they were killed more people came to Christ.. But God has said . I allow the devil to kill, to take all but 144,000.

Let me submit .. I would never and no man might ever understand all of whom to comprise the 144,000 sister white says that..
she also says that we should strive to be among the 144,000.

Am striving My sister i hope you make it too..

from Royalblood

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