Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sunday law and the latter rain

While many are waiting for the the sunday law to kick start a series of events in the End Time and in  Adventism. Much disappointment awaits them.
To wait and watch for the sunday law and do nothing is the biggest mistake Seventh day Adventist can make .
1 For one The latte rain will fall progressively. Then the sudden outpouring that everyone is expecting will come.
2. Leading up to the sunday law the  latter rain  would of already soak the 144000, A few would of already put away sin in  his or her own life in preparation to receive the latter rain drenching.
 3 Perfection,which many in the church think and preach as an illusive dream would of been attain by the 144000 and the time of trouble would be just the polish to finish off gems prepared to meet The Bridegroom.
4 I forgot to mention the sunday law would be passed progressively ,No time would we wake up and here the sunday law is past and enforced by death. It will be passed in some countries forced more so USA then in others .No enforcement would be impressed.
Then it will be enforced stronger ,then forcefully impressed upon all and then be punishable by death.
Some seem to remove probation from the whole equation ,the sealing must take place .
Judgment begins at the house of God. If you have doubts about that see Ezekiel 9

Now is the time for all who have been under the banner of truth to make a turn around.
Now is the time to bruise our knees in petition asking God to remove every sin from us and SIN NO MORE.

The latter rain is drizzling at this time.
Wake up and feel the moisture remnant people. 
See this PDF file that address this matter fully.
click here

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