Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. The Remnant is Asleep, This is for Every SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Believer .Our lord is coming, There are souls to be warned .The Latter Rain is due to fall on us.The sealing is close at hand.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The parting message of one of our General Conference Presidents
Don't Let It Happen
This will be the last time that in my present role I shall stand before the world leaders
of my church, your church, our church, and I have a few words to leave with you.
I take my thoughts from something that Elder and Mrs. Ralph Neall have written
describing how typically a sect evolves into a church. They say a sect is often begun
by a charismatic leader with tremendous drive and commitment, and that it arises as a
protest against worldliness and formalism in a church. It is generally embraced by the poor. The rich would lose too much by joining it, since it is unpopular, despised, and persecuted by society in general. It has definite beliefs firmly held by zealous members. Each member makes a personal decision to join it and knows what he believes. There is little organization or property, and there are few buildings. The group has strict standards and controls on behavior. Preachers, often without education, arise by inner compulsion. There is little concern about public relations. And then it passes on to the second generation. With growth there comes a need for organization and buildings. As a result of industry and frugality, members become prosperous. As prosperity increases, persecution begins to wane. Children born into the movement do not have to make personal decisions to join it. They do not necessarily know what they believe. They do not need to hammer out their own positions. These have been worked out for them. Preachers arise more by selection and by apprenticeship to older workers than by direct inner compulsion.
In the third generation, organization develops and institutions are established. The need is seen for schools to pass on the faith of the fathers. Colleges are established. Members have to be exhorted to live up to the standards, while at the same time the standards of membership are being lowered. The group becomes lax about
disfellowshipping nonpracticing members. Missionary zeal cools off. There is more
concern over public relations. Leaders study methods of propagating their faith,
sometimes employing extrinsic rewards as motivation for service by members. Youth
question why they are different from others, and intermarry with those not of their
faith. In the fourth generation there is much machinery; the number of administrators increases while the number of workers at the grass roots becomes proportionately less. Great church councils are held to define doctrine. More schools, universities, and seminaries are established. These go to the world for accreditation and tend to become secularized. There is a reexamination of positions and modernizing of methods. Attention is given to contemporary culture, with an interest in the arts: music, architecture, literature. The movement seeks to become
society by becoming involved in popular causes. Services become formal. The group
enjoys complete acceptance by the world. The sect has become a church!
Brethren and sisters, this must never happen to the Seventh-day Adventist Church!
This will not happen to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This is not just another
church—it is God’s church!
But you are the men and women sitting in this sanctuary this morning on whom God is
counting to assure that it does not happen.
Already, brethren and sisters, there are subtle forces that are beginning to stir.
Regrettably there are those in the church who belittle the inspiration of the Bible, who scorn the first 11 chapters of Genesis, who question the Spirit of Prophecy’s short chronology of the earth, and who subtly and not so subtly attack the Spirit of Prophecy. There are some who point to the Reformers and contemporary theologians as a source and the norm for Seventh-day Adventist doctrine. There are those who allegedly are tired of the hackneyed phrases of Adventism. There are those who wish to forget the standards of the church we love. There are those who covet and would court the favor of the evangelicals; those who would throw off the mantle of a peculiar people; and those who would go the way of the secular, materialistic world. Fellow leaders, beloved brethren and sisters—don’t let it happen! I appeal to you as earnestly as I know how this morning—don’t let it happen! I appeal to Andrews University, to the Seminary, to Loma Linda University—don’t let it happen! We are not Seventh-day Anglicans, not Seventh-day Lutherans—we are Seventh-day Adventists! This is God’s last church with God’s last message.
You are the men and women, the leaders, whom God is counting on to keep the
Seventh-day Adventist Church God’s remnant church, the church God has destined to
triumph! The servant of the Lord says, “Fearful perils are before those who bear responsibilities in the Lord’s work—perils the thought of which makes me tremble” (Selected Messages, bk. 2, p. 391). And in Ezekiel 22:30 we read, “I looked for a man among them who could build a barricade, who could stand before Me in the breach to defend the land from ruin” (NEB).
I believe this morning, fellow leaders, that God is looking for men and women, intrepid leaders, men and women who love God’s church and God’s truth more than they love their lives, to see that this church under God goes through to the kingdom. The task ahead of us is not going to be easy. If I understand the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy aright this morning, ahead lies a time of trouble, a time of challenge such as this church and this world have never before known.
The servant of the Lord tells us: “The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the
supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists,
and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the
pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A new organization would be established. Books of a new order would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God Who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the new movement. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but God being removed, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless” (Selected Messages, bk. 1, pp. 204,
The Seventh-day Adventist Church had its alpha years ago. You and I are the leaders
who will face the omega that will be of the same subtle, devilish origin. Its effect will be more devastating than the alpha. Brethren, I beg of you, study, know what is ahead, then with God’s help prepare your people to meet it!
“God calls for men who are prepared to meet emergencies, men who in a crisis will not
be found standing on the wrong side” (Review and Herald, November 5, 1903).
“We are pressing on to the final conflict, and this is no time for compromise. It is no time to hide your colors. When the battle wages sore, let no one turn traitor. It is no time to lay down or conceal our weapons, and give Satan the advantage in the
warfare” (Review and Herald, December 6, 1892).
And then I call attention to a vision the Lord’s servant had, in which she saw a ship
heading toward an iceberg. She said: “There, towering high above the ship, was a
gigantic iceberg. An authoritative voice cried out, ‘Meet it!’ There was not a moment’s hesitation. It was a time for instant action. The engineer put on full steam, and the man at the wheel steered the ship straight into the iceberg. With a crash she struck the ice. There was a fearful shock, and the iceberg broke into many pieces, falling with a noise like thunder to the deck. The passengers were violently shaken by the force of the collision, but no lives were lost. The vessel was injured, but not beyond repair. She rebounded from the contact, trembling from stem to stern, like a living creature. Then she moved forward on her way.
“Well I knew the meaning of this representation. I had my orders. I had heard the
words, like a voice from our Captain, ‘Meet it!’ I knew what my duty was, and that
there was not a moment to lose. The time for decided action had come. I must without
delay obey the command, ‘Meet it!’” (Selected Messages, bk. 1, pp. 205, 206).
Fellow leaders, it may be that in the not too distant future you will have to meet it. I pray God will give you grace and courage and wisdom.
Finally, “What a wonderful thought it is that the great controversy is nearing its end! In the closing work we shall meet with perils that we know not how to deal with; but let us not forget that the three great powers of Heaven are working, that a divine hand is on the wheel, and that God will bring His purposes to pass. He will gather from the world a people who will serve Him in righteousness” (Selected Messages, bk. 2, p.
What a wonderful assurance we have this morning, brethren and sisters, that you and I
are in God’s work. This work is not dependent on any man; it is dependent on our
relationship with Him. There is only one way for us to face the future, and that is at the foot of the cross. A church with its eyes upon the Man of Calvary will never walk into apostasy.
Thank you, brethren and sisters, for giving me the privilege of serving you for the past 45 years, and may God bless every one of you.
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Last Great Contest – Worship
There is real controversy in our church over the subject of worship. We hear rumblings of how we need to be more relevant in our style of worship, that we must do all we can to attract and keep our youth by having a style of worship that will appeal to them. We are told that if we cater to the unconverted, we will draw them by the type of worship service that will make them feel comfortable.
The subject of worship in the Bible begins with Genesis and ends in Revelation. Actually, the subject of whom to worship was contested in heaven, when Lucifer desired to be like the Most High. After his fall, Lucifer continued his controversy here on Earth.
The definition of worship from the American Heritage Dictionary is, “The reverent love and allegiance accorded a deity, idol, or sacred object. A set of ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed. Ardent, humble devotion.”
Lucifer coveted the worship and adoration of the angels and of the created beings. He indulged in the desire for self-exaltation. Ezekiel 28:7 tells us that his heart was lifted up because of his beauty and his brightness. We are also told that he said in his heart, “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God…I will be like the Most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14).
Page 36 of Patriarchs and Prophets says, “Instead of seeking to make God supreme in the affections and allegiance of all created beings, it was his endeavor to secure their service and loyalty to himself.” This continues to be his aim and goal even after losing the war in heaven and being cast down to Earth.
We see Satan’s continued desire for supremacy and reverence by his attack on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. By partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve fell and forever placed humankind in an environment where Satan could tempt and harass them. For six thousand years the struggle has continued. There are only two sides to choose from, now, just as there were then. Whom will we reverence and worship— our Creator God or the imposter, Satan?
The people in Noah’s day also faced the challenge of deciding to whom they would yield their allegiance. “Men put God out of their knowledge and worshiped the creatures of their own imagination; and as the result, they became more and more debased” (Patriarchs and Prophets, 91). Because the people chose not to worship the Creator God, they suffered the destruction of the Flood that God sent.
Choose you this day whom ye will serve
The Bible is full of examples of people having to make the choice as to whom they would worship and obey. Abraham made the choice to worship the Creator God rather than the gods of the nations around him. Abraham was instructed to move away from his kindred to a place that God would show him. The Bible tells us that Abraham went, not knowing where he was going. God knew that for Abraham to remain in his home environment would be too great a risk for him. Perhaps there is a lesson here for us to learn.
You will recall the story of the prophet Daniel’s faithfulness to the worship of God even though it took him to the lion’s den. Then there were his three friends who faced the fiery furnace because of their decision to worship God alone. The story of Elijah on Mount Carmel also speaks to us of the importance of making the right choice as to whom we will worship. All through the history of the Bible, men and women have been faced with this decision.
There is however, one particular Bible story that I find very intriguing. This is the story of the children of Israel just before they reached the Promised Land and were preparing to enter in. Israel was camped in a beautiful plain, surrounded by tropical plants and beautiful trees. The climate was ideal and the children of Israel found this to be an agreeable retreat while they waited for Moses, who was busy preparing for the occupation of Canaan.
Idle time is not conducive to spiritual growth and this was the case with the children of Israel. They were in a condition of outward ease and indulgence. In addition, they neglected prayer and cherished a spirit of self-confidence.
On every side of this plain, with its attractive surroundings, were places noted for idolatry and extravagance. These surroundings, which at first were repugnant to the Israelites, soon exerted a polluting influence on them. Their minds and eyes became familiar with the vile and the idolatrous. Slowly they began to depart from God. At first, the Israelites had little to do with their Midian neighbors. But soon the Midianite women began making visits to the camp.
Balaam, a man the Israelites considered to be a prophet of God, also made friendly overtures to God’s people. He had been appointed by the king of Moab to induce the Israelites to attend a grand festival in honor of their gods. Balaam had little difficulty in persuading the Israelites to come and join in the festive occasion. Great numbers of the people joined him in witnessing the celebration. When they ventured on Satan’s territory, his devices ensnared them.
It didn’t take much to cause the people of God to cast off their allegiance to Jehovah. The music, dancing, feasting, drinking of wine, and beautiful women soon had them infatuated. The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that the rulers and the leading men of Israel were among the first to transgress. They led the way for multitudes to apostatize and join themselves to the worship of Baal.
By the time Moses realized what was happening to God’s people, many of them were beginning to observe the heathen rites right in the camp of Israel. The aged leader was filled with indignation. God’s wrath was poured out by a terrible pestilence that broke out in the camp, killing tens of thousands of the guilty people.
Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).
As we approach the close of time, as the people of God stand upon the borders of the heavenly Canaan, Satan will, as of old, redouble his efforts to prevent them from entering the goodly land. He lays his snares for every soul. It is not the ignorant and the uncultured merely that need to be guarded; he will prepare his temptations for those in the highest positions, in the most holy office; if he can lead them to pollute their souls, he can, through them, destroy many. And he employs the same agents now as he employed three thousand years ago. By worldly friendships, by the charms of beauty, by pleasure seeking, mirth, feasting, or the wine cup, he tempts to the violation of the seventh commandment – “Thou shalt not commit adultery” (Patriarchs and Prophets, 458).
Do you think that something of this nature might be happening to our people today? Let’s just look at this story for a minute. What was it that caused the children of Israel to fall so easily into apostasy? There are a number of points to consider:
1. The Israelites were enjoying leisure time and were not spending time in spiritual renewal and prayer.
2. They were gradually enticed to sin. Sin was all around them and they became so familiar with it that it didn’t seem so sinful to them after a while.
3. They came to enjoy the Moabite music and feasting, and, finally, their mode of idol worship.
4. The leaders were instrumental in causing many to think that there would be nothing wrong with fraternizing with the heathens around them.
The Spirit of Prophecy makes it very plain that Israel of old is the type of the modern Church of God—the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The experiences that they went through can be seen in our church’s history. Are we now experiencing the apostasy at the Jordan?
Sensual indulgence weakens the mind and debases the soul. The moral and intellectual powers are benumbed and paralyzed by the gratification of the animal propensities; and it is impossible for the slave of passion to realize the sacred obligation of the law of God, to appreciate the atonement, or to place a right value upon the soul…
By beholding we become changed. By the indulgence of impure thoughts, man can so educate his mind that sin which he once loathed will become pleasant to him...Satan is using every means to make crime and debasing vice popular. We cannot walk the streets of our cities without encountering flaring notices of crime presented in some novel or to be acted at some theater. The mind is educated to familiarity with sin…
Those who would not fall a prey to Satan’s devices must guard well the avenues of the soul; they must avoid reading, seeing, or hearing that which will suggest impure thoughts. The mind should not be left to wander at random upon every subject that the adversary of souls may suggest (Patriarchs and Prophets, 458-460).
Then there is the problem of the way people dress and act that we encounter every day. This, also, becomes a means whereby Satan entices us to sin. Let us bring the points that led to Israel’s downfall to our modern age.
The Pursuit of Pleasure
Has there ever been a time in Earth’s history when more time is spent on pleasure than the present? I believe it is right for us to take some time to be with our families and to enjoy some relaxation after having exerted ourselves in work. But never should this be to the exclusion of time spent with God in His word and on our knees. In fact, God should be our first priority every day.
Familiarity with Evil
The children of Israel were enticed to sin by watching and seeing the evil on every side. Satan has now made such advances in this day and age that we do not need to leave our home in order to see and hear evil. Now he has brought the evil into the privacy of our homes. Television has bridged the gap.
Satan was very cunning in how he brought the evil into our homes. Originally, the programs were “innocent” and captivating. Then gradually, the programs became more violent and sensual. The ads also began with innocence. Now there is hardly a program that one as a Christian can watch and know that it would be approved of in heaven. Watching the news is also alarming. The ads that are put in between the news items are not fit for Christians to see. Even the news items themselves are so graphic, that we have become hardened to scenes of violence and crime. This is just how Satan wants it to be.
Then there are the violent and often demonic games that nearly every home has. Our children play these games by the hour, never realizing that Satan is stealing their souls. All of this is causing us to find the study of God’s Word boring and uninteresting. And yet, when we feed our souls on the Word of God and commune with Him, the “things of this world will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace!” It all depends on whom we will worship.
When we pray, we should ask God to help us instantly recognize what Satan is suggesting so we can resist the thought, or take our eyes away from seeing evil. How often after we see an immoral suggestion, Satan plays that scene over and over again in our minds trying to break us down so that we will fall when the opportunity comes! The admonition to “Guard well the avenues of the soul” should be taken very seriously. Whom do we intend to worship?
Music is a very controversial subject. The music we listen to and participate in will tell whom we worship! Rick Warren, in his book, The Purpose-Driven Life says this:
Worship has nothing to do with the style or volume or speed of a song. God loves all kinds of music because he invented it all—fast and slow, loud and soft, old and new. You probably don’t like it all, but God does! If it is offered to God in spirit and truth, it is an act of worship…
Christians often disagree over the style of music used in worship…But there is no biblical style! There are no musical notes in the Bible; we don’t even have the instruments they used in Bible.
There is no such thing as ‘Christian’ music; there are only Christian lyrics. It is the words that make a song sacred, not the tune. There are no spiritual tunes.i
Compare the above statements with what the inspired writings say about music:
The things you have described as taking place in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place just before the close of probation. Every uncouth thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting, with drums, music and dancing. The senses of rational beings will become so confused that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions. And this is called the moving of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit never reveals itself in such methods, in such a bedlam of noise. This is an invention of Satan to cover up his ingenious methods for making of none effect the pure, sincere, elevating, ennobling, sanctifying truth for this time. Better never have the worship of God blended with music than to use musical instruments to do the work which last January was represented to me would be brought into our camp meetings. The truth for this time needs nothing of this kind in its work of converting the souls. A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and perverts that which if conducted aright might be a blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with the din and noise, to have a carnival, and this is termed the Holy Spirit’s working…
The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with such a confusion of noise and multitude of sounds as passed before me last January. Satan works amid the din and confusion of such music, which, properly conducted, would be a praise and glory to God. He makes its effect like the poison sting of the serpent…Satan will make music a snare by the way in which it is conducted (2 Selected Messages, 36-38).
We are admonished that the character of our music can elevate our thoughts and feelings or degenerate them (See 2T, 322).
I realize that this quote refers to worldly music, but I also believe that it can apply to so-called Christian rock. Listening to the beat and the grating singing sounds that come along with even Christian rock only causes one to become insensitive to the sounds and words of worldly rock. Only the words are different.
Alan O’Day, singer, musician, and composer wrote this:
To me, Contemporary Christian music is the station that I tune in on the radio, thinking that I’m hearing secular music because it sounds so hip – until I catch the words and realize the lyric has a slightly different intent. I am happy to see that Christian music is moving into the 20th century, and that in some cases, the distinction between Christian and secular music is being blurred.ii
Richard Harrington, writing in the Washington Post, says that the religious recording industry recognizes the terrific sales potential in pushing more “positive pop” into the churches. He says it is capitalizing on its opportunity to make big sales by fusing current popular musical styles with religious words.iii
In his book Why Should the Devil Have all the Good Music? Paul Baker writes this:
“Christian rock” entered the churches—not through Christian musicians who sought to glorify the Lord—but by unsaved, secular rock performers who capitalized on religious themes.iv
What is today hailed by church administrators, pastors, and youth leaders as a great victory…is actually a device of the devil to destroy everyone in the churches…
Rock music, by its very history and what it does in the lives of those who tamper with it, is unholy. To attempt to use it “to glorify God” is blasphemy…Rock music began as a rebellious sexual style of music. It remains that today. It is offensive to God and to genuine Christians who love Him and seek to obey His Word, the Bible…trying to unite a holy message with the unholy music of the world is an abomination in the eyes of God.v
When you read about the children of Israel joining with the Moabites in their celebration, can you see a parallel in the Christian Church today joining in the worship celebration using the music of the world. We have been warned that this would happen before the Second Coming of Jesus.
Dr. Juanita McElwain writes this:
The same exact rhythms are used…in African and Indian music, in rock music and in music used in meetings of faith healers. The god comes, whenever he is called by anyone using those rhythms...Does the god come to celebration-type worship services, when the god’s rhythm is played in Christian rock music, even though the people present do not realize they are calling a god? There is quite a strong consensus that the god does
There are many testimonials of Christian young people who were bound by Satan as they were listening to Christian rock. It has only been by sincere confession and turning away from listening to this music, asking God to cover them with His precious blood, that victory was gained. In some cases they said it took months of daily prayer and Bible study to regain the Christian experience that they had lost because of the “Christian” music they had been listening to. The question remains, whom will you worship?
I would like to encourage you not to get lost in the apostasy at the Jordan as the children of Israel did. My primary objective in writing this article was to point people to the dangers that are surrounding us. God has an adversary who has a plan to delude people in the name of our precious Saviour. I want to challenge you to study and pray that you will not be led by the subtlety of Satan. Let the Word of God be your final authority.
And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).
i Rick Warren, The Purpose-Driven Life (Michigan: Zondervan, 2002): 65-66.
ii Alan O’Day, Contemporary Christian Music (November 1982).
iii Vance Ferrel, Inside Rock Music (Tennessee: Evolution Facts, 2006): 45-46.
iv Paul Baker, Why Should the Devil Have all the Good Music? (Waco, Texas: Word Books, 1979): 15.
v Vance Ferrel, Inside Rock Music (Tennessee: Evolution Facts, 2006): 46-47.
vi Dr. Juanita McElwain, Demon Possession and Music.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I like it when Spirit of Prophecy says Agitate. Its strong language
For years the voice of God has been saying to us, "Agitate, agitate, agitate." Study every point of truth, that you may know for yourselves what is truth in distinction from error. Let students search for themselves, that they may know the deep things of God. Let this work be done in the Spirit of Christ. Put no restriction upon the students. {CSW 36.2}
In searching the Scriptures there is need of great humility of mind and contrition of heart, of seeking earnestly unto God. Those who come in a lowly spirit, seeking for truth, will be aided in their search by the angels of God.--TSS 55, 56. {CSW 37.1}
But our peculiar faith should not be discussed with patients. Their minds should not be unnecessarily excited upon subjects wherein we differ, unless they themselves desire it; and then great caution should be observed not to agitate the mind by urging upon them our peculiar faith.{CH 245.2}
A Call to Enlighten the Masses.--I have been shown that Satan is stealing a march upon us. The law of God, through the agency of Satan, is to be made void. In our land of boasted freedom, religious liberty will come to an end. The contest will be decided over the Sabbath question, which will agitate the whole world.
Ev 236.3}
Let us not agitate questions that will reveal a marked difference of opinion, but rather let us bring from the Word the sacred truths regarding the binding claims of the law of God. {2NL 160.9}
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